"Those who follow politics closely in Lanzarote for some time that will have exhausted its capacity to surprise .(...)
Without going any further, Jose Francisco Reyes, mayor of Yaiza, charged with various crimes. His wife and three of his four children they are for money laundering.'s fourth child is saved because it has less than 10 years. Husband and wife, parents and children, brothers, nephews, family relationship / accused is unique. There is nothing like it in Spain. (...) As
happened elsewhere, the economy turned to tourism and construction, so that between 1996 and 2006, the rate of population growth has been 10 times higher than the English average. In 20 years, Lanzarote has doubled its habitantes.Bajo that pressure, corruption has done the rest.
(...) It is in this context that the project sponsor, Luis Lleó, intended to unblock the sending issue to a third party, Fernando Becerra, to convince Espino. Or, put another way, asking price Espino.
To put the matter in its proper terms, should mean that Fernando Becerra is a member of a family political pedigree. He is a member of the PP, his brother is a member of PIL Ubaldo and his brother, Juan Carlos, is president of PNL. One of many franchises such as abound in the island.
Fernando Carlos Espino proposes to hold a meeting and he anticipates what his intentions, but does not expect Carlos Espino go to the Guardia Civil and the case into Court number 5, where a couple of months ago just got a young judge willing to work, Cesar Romero Pamparacuatro.
then the decision is taken that Espino accept the meeting in his office to proceed with legal support recording. The appointment is set for June 5, 2008. Starts Operation Union.
(...) Man, can tie if you want to Coalition and the PP. A coalition is very easy, "he said to reassure him. The conversation is long and is enlightening. Fernando Carlos Espino encouraged to accept a money (not detail the number) to ensure a future after politics. It recommends that in the meantime , pretend that it remains a modest man."Look, here are cane when you're in politics, once you're no longer who is going to say anything? (...) So you are in politics, you must be (...) modest guy even if you have a thousand kilos. (...) That is advice I give you, you just keep doing the same ... and when you say something, but if I have the same car filthy as ever and the same shirt for 10 euros cheaper.
As the conversation progresses, Fernando offers other plans, poses a splendid future.
"The general plan, if you grab that, then you would retire and 10 times, you pull 10 times in a term, eh, four years, a wise guy, you never think amounts to the general plan Reef can ratchet with such an operation.
and advises how to enjoy the money after retirement from politics.
"You then have to create your empresita, of course, man, my brother has it, each one creates its empresita, you have the company Private when you finish your term, (...) whatever, anything, a small restaurant, a cafeteria with a partner.
You ask the bank 10 or 12 million pesetas, which supply it, and you're done, but, of course, there you have 400 kilos whitening, there you whiten, pum pum, and you're generating a profit, and that is law, when you declare to the tax whiten, pay and everything has ... the company has generated so much, that, in the hotel is very easy to launder money because how much is a cut, eh?
Throughout the conversation, Fernando shows no qualms about their knowledge of the sewer system. Clearly it is an intermediary and offered to work for Espino. Da names, gives examples, cases account. Not free any party.
-fact, I tell you one thing, this operation, if it comes, will come out of shit, you'll see. When you find yourself with one of those things, if you want, I go and fix it, or you do not have or that appear (...). That's how everyone does.
Look at my brother, has never been granted to anyone to negotiate anything, never, never, never, never with an employer to be Minister of Tourism (...). The party was unofficially another person, the one that met in private with the company and say look at this, such so, boom, that's how things are done.
Conversation is a good thread to start pulling. The judge has a list and ask where to start new wiretaps. Hank grows and bursts into operation in May 2009 with the first arrests.
Among them is Martin Dimas, the great character of Lanzarote, the founder of the PIL, former senator and former president of the Cabildo. During this time, Dimas Marin has been in jail for other legal process. Almost no major operation in which the accused is not. And since the prison has kept his extensive power.
(...) Among those boxes is a journal. For the reason it may, perhaps overzealous, Jacinto Alvarez had scored one for a delivery of gifts and money making politicians and officials. And adorned her letters with comments. Thus, calls "the trincona" the mayor of Arrecife, Isabel Deniz.describes how she gives him a Rolex watch, a Louis Vuitton bag, a whole family trip to Marrakech, which attends his sister Caroline (again family sagas), judge and at that time Deputy Minister of Justice Islands' Government.
police merely comparing that information with the premises where they bought gifts. The local press makes it easy: the ubiquitous appear Rolex Isabel's wrist in many public events and they show the pictures.
(...) Despite the convictions, Dimas Martín managed to become a political rebel image and prevent the PIL loses force. His party has governed in coalition with the PSOE or participated in agreements with other parties.
His incarceration has not gone according to the convictions, the PP was to pardon and favor have given the third degree. Either way, decisions from Madrid to end up saving his skin
Dimas Martín .(...) And Madrid has once again decide the future of these operations. The judge who has taken these cases (As happened at the time with Judge Torres in Operation Malaya) was awaiting a final destination. That destiny came when I had not finished the investigation. Forced to leave the court, requested an extension was granted. Three months. (...)
Too little time for the judge Romero can follow in his footsteps to the end, the researchers said. Again, an oxygen tank to Lanzarote, while LIP is present in all institutions. " (El País, Sunday, 13/02/2011, p. 10/11)
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