Monday, February 28, 2011
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"... if people knew how to work the banks with their money for tax evasion, terrorist financing, finance recruiters, finance the drug cartels, to overthrow governments, to kill union leaders, environmental leaders to kill, to destroy forests ...". "... They have demobilized citizens and who have managed to get into the house and in the brains of people through the TV, just look at the televison programming and design paying banks and big companies for that are shareholders ... it is a continuous brainwashing - JUAN LOPEZ TORRES, is Professor of Applied Economics Department of Economic Theory and Political Economy at the University of Seville. Member of Scientific Council of ATTAC-Spain group.
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MEXICALI, BC 28 February 2011. advises the state education system continues to open the call for National Examinations for Teachers Update Service (ENAMS) of the 2010-2011 school year.
The call is aimed at teachers and front of a group, managers, supervisors, heads of education and technical and pedagogical advisers of all levels and forms of basic education, and invites them to be assessed in any of the 17 national examinations that are offered.
Those interested in participating have the registration deadline is Tuesday, March 8 this year, so it should go to the Teachers' Centres located in Mexicali, Valle de Mexicali, San Felipe, Tijuana, Ensenada, San Quintin , Playas de Rosarito and Tecate.
those who participated in previous school years, may register through the Internet at the website: .
is important to note that those wishing to enroll in a National Review, they must have participated in the current school year in any of the curricula of Continuing Education and Professional enhancement that comprise the National Catalogue of Professional Continuing Education and Improvement.
on registration requirements is required to submit: Key Unique Population Registration (CURP), Federal Register Taxpayers (RFC), Key Work Center (CTC), indicate the site of application chosen, personal email, should have one, and the last pay stub or other document that proves a professor of basic education service.
Between 28 March and 15 April 2011, teachers will be able to confirm your registration data via the Internet at the website of the General Directorate of Continuing Education: http://formacioncontinua.sep. ENAMS the section.
worth mentioning that the days of evaluation will take place on Saturday 7 at 10:00 and 14:00 and Sunday May 8, 2011 at 10:00 pm in the headquarters of application for this purpose will be installed statewide.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Hundreds of police have entered the parliament in Wisconsin join the union protests and occupation that has lasted for many days.
"Legislators had us ordered to leave the Capitol at 4 pm, but we know what is right and what is wrong. From here we will not make anyone actually going to spend the night here with you. "
Friday, February 25, 2011
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"The criminal court number two condemned Santander Mayor Piélagos (Cantabria), José Manuel Pacheco, the PP, a year and a half years and nine of disqualification as the author of a continuing offense against planning in the form of urban trespass.
(...) "They say I have given a license should not be given. I do not think so. I have not taken a euro for this. I will appeal, "he assured Pacheco in conversation with this newspaper. "I am innocent, but there are many culprits in the street and so many innocent people in prison ... The trial was in June and the decision comes now, two months before the election. It has taken more than 11-M. What Who are they kidding? ". (...)
The mayor has been sentenced for 15 construction licenses granted between 2004 and 2005 in breach of the planning regulations in force and against the warnings of the city architect and legal services.
This is not the first legal setback for Pacheco. The courts have already ordered the demolition of nearly 400 homes in five residential areas of Liencres and Alto del Cuco. The latter was the downing fifth sentence faced by the municipality. "( El País, 02/25/2011)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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- cafeteria Opening in kindergarten in the village Moises Saenz Los Algodones.
- recreation Workshop for Teachers.
MEXICALI, BC, 24 February 2011 .- the state educational system carried out various activities for the benefit of campuses participating in the program full-time schools in the municipality of Mexicali, as reported by the Director of Support Programs Emanuel Mendoza Gómez. He said
one of them was with an investment of 250,000 pesos, the opening of school meals in kindergarten Moises Saenz, community village May 5 The Algodones benefiting 42 students of this campus, said that this benefit is not only students, but also to their mothers as they are tied with his day's work until 4 pm.
Mendoza Gómez, said that as part of ongoing training to teachers in charge of this program conducted a workshop entitled "Workshop for Teachers School Recreation Full Time" from 21 to 25 February in the city Mexicali.
65 teachers participated and Advisors Technical school zones, was given by Antonio de Jesus Munguia of Tepic Nayarit Domínguez, who has a degree in physical education, and meets one of the 6 shares of which contains the program which is to the Recreation and Physical Development which includes Discipline in the Classroom and School Maladjustment, Alambreflexia, origami, balloon twisting and Matrogimnasia.
This impacts the school training of children and young people benefit, as they engage with their environment through sports activities, through sport, the child learns to be socially participatory, it stimulates the learning of mathematics of origami , also taking an anger management games that promote values, all to promote comprehensive education within a safe environment.
in the state currently operate 28 schools with the program full-time school students benefiting 5.901.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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- 21 to February 25 will be held at the school stage.
MEXICALI, BC A February 22, 2011 .- With the participation of 61 thousand 936 students in sixth grade, started the process of Children's Knowledge Olympiad (ICO) from 2011 to 2011, reported the Director of Education Basic, Francisco Ramos Verdugo. From 21 to 25 defebrero be developed at stage school, where sixth graders of elementary education, indigenous and community courses CONAFE officers in primary schools and individuals in the organization begin the road to state stage OIC.
Verdugo Ramos stressed that at this early stage, campuses are responsible for developing the assessment tool for the selection of five students will stage a school zone, that is, those who obtain the largest score in the evaluation.
According to the announcement, will be considered the contents of the sixth grade programs in English subjects, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and Civics and Ethics in the curriculum of primary education with a focus on educational reform through an examination to assess knowledge and skills.
In the first stage, involving all students in sixth grade, so it will be part of a total of 61 000 936 students from the five municipalities of the state. Subsequently, 01 to March 4 , will take place the school zone stage in this part the best eight schoolchildren that make up the area and these will go to the local stage.
Winning students in the municipality - stage simultaneously scheduled for March 11- compete in the state stage, it is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Policy Evaluation of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP ) the application of the assessment instrument to select those integrated into the Baja California delegation.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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- students participated in all grades of 18 primary the municipality of Mexicali.
MEXICALI, BC, 21 February 2011 .- Students of all grades of 18 elementary schools participated in the IX Science Fair Competition in English mode, "held at the Museo Sol Child.
96 students from different categories from 1 º. A 6 th grade, experiments with theoretical support, scientific and / or technology in any of the subjects of natural sciences (physics, biology or chemistry), where the students applied the knowledge acquired linguistic competence in English. The event was
Executive chaired the State Educational System in Mexicali, Araceli Fonseca Pereira, who told the audience "once more we integrate the work that rightly being promoted within the English Program in Basic Education and which reinforce the knowledge acquired by our Students in all grades. I invite the students with us today, to put their best effort in class participation on their part to compete and achieve the development of linguistic competence in English to pride yourself and your parents. "
also acknowledged the work of teachers and parents, to care in detail each of the actions related to this event, education and dedication to convey to the students of this, is the push they need these children to lead them on the path of triumphs, which no doubt, start from the time the student decided to participate.
English Program in Basic Education aims to ensure that preschool and elementary school students achieve better educational quality with teaching a second language such as English, including it as an elective and giving new generations a cultural training relevant to the border context.
This program began in the 1997-1998 school year in three Primary schools and as a primary characteristic Mexicali has voluntarily participate in school hours with 50-minute classes Monday through Friday, is a nonprofit program of educational support are looking for a student who graduates from sixth grade, orally master basic English.
The program currently operates in 139 schools, including preschools and elementary schools in the municipality of Mexicali.
in the work of this activity included the active participation of principals, teachers, and parents belonging to the following elementary schools: "Salvador Jiménez Gómez", "Melchor Ocampo", "Juan Escutia" "Mission", "Ma Jesus Gil Morales "," Amado Nervo "," Railways are. BC "," Cuauhtémoc "," Gabriela Mistral "both shifts," Freedom and Solidarity 90 "," Year 2000 "," Adolfo López Mateos "Monge Francisco Gallego."
Friday, February 18, 2011
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regard, the charge state of this mode of education in the State, Alberto Cordova noted that the Open School is an educational alternative that lets you start or continue without a high school entrance examination, with inscriptions throughout the year and free.
also offers many advantages such as classes at no charge, no minimum or maximum age for enrollment is not required to attend specific locations or fixed hours for studying, performing a single test for each subject and once accredited curriculum Certificate obtained issued by the Ministry of Education officially valid throughout the country and abroad.
People who have previous studies of high school can resume their studies as through a procedure of equivalence are accredited semesters are valid in other systems.
noted that this type of education is an excellent choice for both young and old alike as it allows for combining studies with other work activities, personal or other technical studies.
requirements for registration are: to attend an informative talks, file Birth Certificate, Certificate of Secondary, two child-sized photographs and CURP
For more information those interested can go to the offices in Mexicali, located in Lázaro Cárdenas Blvd # 806 almost esq. with Blvd Anahuac, Fracc. Jardines del Lago, or call telephone numbers: 554-67-26 and 554-67-64, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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MEXICALI, BC, 17 February 2011 .- 12 students in third and fourth grade participated in the final of Municipal Competition IV "Storytelling" in Primary Education, held in the Auditorium of the University Cetys the municipality of Mexicali. The audience
made by education authorities, teachers, students and parents, enjoyed the stories had "once" and "red bunting this story is over" Little Red Riding Hood, her aunt's hairstyle Chofi, What about me? Lucas and his sick sister, Wolf sentimental, the seer, a stone soup, mop King, The lazy bee, the cockroach Mandinga and the tooth fairy, if you give a mouse a cookie.
In this contest the winners who were able to further develop fluency, narrative coherence, diction, volume and intonation, and since then his charisma on stage projection and the objectives of this competition.
First place: With the Little Red Riding Hood story, Amalinalli Ruiz Castro, a junior grade of "Salvador Jiménez Gómez" Zone 04.
Second place: In the story The King Mocho, Max Rodriguez Vergara fourth grade student of the school "Sentinel" Zone XII.
Third: In the story The cockroach and mouse Mandinga Pérez, Andrea Sandoval García's fourth-grade school, "Republic of Venezuela", Area XIII.
regard the Delegate of the ESS in Mexicali, Araceli Fonseca Pereira, he acknowledged the joint efforts of the education community to take forward the Competition IV Municipal Account Stories ", which involved 5,000 students from around the municipality and of which 46 of them were selected in 3 semifinals, subtracting 12 finalists as the most prominent of Mexicali.
noted that the hard work of school supervision, educational technical advisors to provide advice and training to teachers on strategies for fostering reading and writing was essential to prepare students in developing language skills and communicative storytelling through the National Reading Programme, reaching its final expression.
This activity is part of a linkage with the Institute for Art and Culture who will give 100% scholarship to the first three places and 50% at the 4th to 12th places. to study at an institution of art and culture, including the student's choice.
Finally, the educational officer, said that the State Educational System, is fulfilling one of the main activities of the National Reading Programme, in the development of reading comprehension and a love for reading among students in schools basic education, giving with this a big step to achieving goals of national unity, in which reading is one of the most important tools that open new horizons to culture in general.
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Support Wikileaks the official version of 11-S in their cables. According to them, "the U.S. government offered numerous Khalih incriminating evidence against Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh Seikh" and concludes that "the final phase of the attack on the Twin Towers was completed in Tarragona". Support a version that does not say, nor yet drafted.
Source: News ERB and El Pais
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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- Identified 484 crearles pending registration for appropriate educational provision.
- today to 73% of confirmed entries.
- 11, 740 people attended the Service Module.
MEXICALI, BC, FEBRUARY 15, 2011 .- State School System reports that the registration period to enter first grade and seventh grade for School Year 2 011 -2012 , made 01 to February 15, threw a 99.57% advance registration. Statewide
expected enrollment is 56 thousand 949 candidates in 61 000 primary and 624 secondary candidates, an amount that has already been surpassed by the positive response of parents to the process and new applications received, which allowed a virtually 100% coverage, since this exercise identified 484 applicants who need to create an adequate educational opportunities before starting school.
At these levels, took place last November, the distribution through preschools and elementary schools of the State Custom Application Forms Single Registration (SUI), in which they asked parents to indicate in which school they wished to enroll their children, for which they were asked three options. The registration of secondary requests made online, and in this way a parent could follow the process of enrolling your child until confirmed in the selected school.
the last week of January 2011 gave parents Notification Letter which noted the school that was the applicant, 90% was registered in one of its three options, 10% attended the modules installed to request personal service. From 01 to February 15, parents with their notification letter went to the school assigned to confirm your registration procedure performed easily.
Progress to date is now confirmed 73% of registrations in hopes that schools end up making the whole of the catch in the system registry Online School.
11 000 740 people attended the Service Module installed in the municipalities to address the dissatisfaction of parents with the process, of which a third party asked to change schools even though their location was in a school in their second or third option, one-third disagreed with the assigned school be different to your choices and the rest were pending registration, new applications, etc. The registration process to the ESS showed reliable information in advance to organize resources for the school 2 011-2012 was an orderly, efficient and streamlined to primary and secondary levels, prevented the ranks of parents in schools and eliminated the quota conditioning.
People who for some reason was not presented in the modules, you can make your direct enrollment in schools with space available to start the school year online or call 73 22 01800788.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wheres The Best Place To Go For Senior Week?
This traditional children examples of design of the rooms include contemporary needs of every child. There are beds with high headboards, nightstands, desks, cabinets and chairs. Some pieces of furniture such as beds has textile accessories. Distinctive feature of all these design ideas are decorative heart-shaped. The heart symbolizes the warmth and comfort household, sincerity and concern for their loved ones. The proposed designs are cool room especially for girls, but there are variations for children too.
The furniture is designed by Halley.
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Porcelanosa is the company that led to these ideas the bathroom design to life. It's impressive ceramic tiles manufacturers, furniture Bath and articles of sanity. Their combinations make any bathroom look fresh and stylish. Play of light and shadows with bright tiles, the look of nature without the maintenance of hardwood, an illusion of a mosaic pattern and opulent look of natural marble are just some things that can make your bathroom elegant. Check out the photos below for some ideas for designing your own bathroom.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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know that at a conference in Munich, the Minister of Security of the U.S. government admitted to receive their orders from Henry Kissinger:
"Thanks for the wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday . Congratulations. As the most recent national security adviser of the United States, I received my orders daily Dr. Kissinger, filtered by General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command at the National Security Council that exists today. " Council on Foreign Relations - February 2009
However, in these terms to pronounce this genocidal and Nobel Peace Prize on Egypt today. Everything seems to be orchestrated. Subtitles:
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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To continue with our quest to highlight saving designs space, we now have the latest works of Mengot Sergi, Barcelona interior designer who specializes exclusively in designing beautiful rooms for children of small floor space. He uses a variety of combinations that make use of innovative furniture nursery and vertical space to add more magical space filled with spaces. Also to give the illusion of space in the furniture is designed to hug the perimeter of the wall.