Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dark Smelly Urine Pregnancy

"Currency War? I do not think so! Despite the supposed rivalry that the media insists on showing us every day between China and the U.S., all these movements are planned. Because do not forget that with a single central bank and a single currency banks plants could no longer compete with each other in terms of devaluing their currencies to increase competition. There are "solutions" and that matter. Via Chip and secure electronic money in stages. The slavery of the individual.

"Your Solution" involves national sovereignties bend (via bailouts Empire State), and to convince the people of the need to create a world central bank that controls the devaluation of the new and existing single currency and there will be .... Mad Max.

During the hyperinflation there will be (and is in many families) that is a problem not so new to people. We are in a process that is taking Brasilización ahead the entire middle class. In Brazil, in the late 80's, hyperinflation was 30% -40% per month. ..... And there was no mad-max.

The auriferous be the Achilles heel of this twisted Plan even though they are manipulating the price of gold and silver down. ... And go up and handled the lift high enough to create panic, to where they want and never lose control.

Chapter, fight or flight? That is the question.

Annex also an interesting reflection of several Moved blog. Continue reading . Source: Moved several


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